This past December, I went to a Functional Neurology seminar led by Dr. Michael Hall, DC (, who spoke about the alarming number of children diagnosed with being on the spectrum (Autism) over the past few years.  According to a recent article published in 2023 by the Canadian Minister of Health, it is estimated that 1 in 50 children and children between the ages of one to seventeen have been diagnosed with Autism in Canada.  

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurological and developmental disorder that impacts an individual’s behaviour and their ability to interact, communicate and learn.  It can be diagnosed at any age but because it is considered a developmental disorder, symptoms are most commonly seen in the first two years of life.

Symptoms include:

  • Social behaviour – little to no eye contact, difficulties with back and forth conversation, non-verbal (in some cases)
  • Repeating words and/or certain behaviours, more easily upset with changes in routine and has difficulties with change
  • Increased or decreased sensitivity to sensory input such as light, sound, clothing or temperature


Going back to the seminar, Dr. Hall shared how low spinal tone in a child’s nervous system is a primary contributor to why many children are more susceptible to being diagnosed with Autism.  And pressed the urgency of why it is so important to get a child’s spinal tone checked as soon as possible.

Christopher is one of our patients that was diagnosed with Autism within his first few years of life.  His father, Francisco, had first come in due to the severe pain he was experiencing from Fibromyalgia.  After seeing the great changes in his overall health, his wife Valerie, and son, Christopher came in and got checked.  Upon examination, Christopher had significant subluxations/misalignments in his spine and low spinal tone; primarily in the upper cervical (neck) region.  Prior to getting him checked, they did not realize how Chiropractic could help support Christopher’s nervous system and most importantly, help him manage the unique life stressors that he faces on a day to day basis.  Within Christopher’s first few months of care, his parents excitedly shared that he was becoming more verbal, his behaviour was improving and was experiencing overall improved emotional regulation.  Christopher, alongside his parents, are now in their second year of Chiropractic care to continue to optimize the health of their spine and nervous system.

Chiropractic care isn’t just for adults- it’s a holistic approach to health that keeps the entire family thriving and fulfilling their goals.  We will be doing free check-ups for your entire immediate family until February 29th, 2024 to help support their health and well-being!

Families who get adjusted together, heal together!

Your Etobicoke Chiropractor,

Dr. Clarise Chan